国际餐桌礼仪 - 知乎

admin 2024-04-27 阅读:22 评论:0
  西方文化中的餐桌礼仪是许多培训课程里的重要环节, 今天分享一些有关餐桌上可以知道的知识, 让你了解在国际场合或者西餐厅里如何做得更好。   1. Knowing the proper placement of cutlery...

国际餐桌礼仪 - 知乎

  西方文化中的餐桌礼仪是许多培训课程里的重要环节, 今天分享一些有关餐桌上可以知道的知识, 让你了解在国际场合或者西餐厅里如何做得更好。

  1. Knowing the proper placement of cutlery and plates is important in creating an elegant atmosphere.

  为了营造优雅的氛圍, 了解刀叉和餐盘的适当位置是重要的。

  2. The salad plate should be placed on top of the dinner plate, with the dinner fork set to the left of the plate.


  3. The salad fork, which is smaller than the dinner fork, should be positioned to the left of the dinner fork,while the dessert fork is placed above the dinner plate.


  4. The dinner knife should be placed to the right of the dinner plate, and the knife's blade should face towards the dinner plate. Next to the knife, on the right, is the place for thesoup spoon.


  5. The bread plate goes to the upper left of the dinner plate, above the forks, with a butter knife placed horizontally on the bread plate ﹛the blade should face down and point to the left}.

  面包盘在餐盒的左上方、 叉子的上方,在面包盘上的奶油刃依水平方向摆放(刀锋朝下且指向在方)。

  6. The water and wine glasses should be placed above the dinner knife and spoons, with the water glass put near the dinner plate.


  7. A cup and saucer ﹛for coffee or tea} should be arranged on the upper right of the plate, to the left of the water and wine glasses.

  荼杯勻荼碟(给咖啡或荼用的 )应摆放在餐盘的右上角、水杯与酒杯的左方。

  8. Finally, a napkin should be folded and placed to the left of the forks (some restaurants place it in a glass).


  1. Generally, choose the utensils on the outside first (e.g. salad fork) and move inward after each course.

  一般來說, 先取用在外側的餐具(譬如沙拉叉),每道菜过后向內取用。

  2. When cutting food into small pieces to eat, you shot』Id hold the fork in your left hand, while knives should be held in the right hand. Some people consider it more polite to change the position of the fork to your right hand when eating (after placing the knife down on the plate with the blade facing towards the center of the plate), but most agreethat using the fork in your left hand is perfectly fine.


  3. When you take a drink, it is best to put both your fork and your knife on the plate,with your fork crossed over your knife.


  4. Once you have picked up your utensils to start eating, you shouldn't rest them on the table again.


  5. If you need to leave the table momentarily before you have finished eating, rest the utensils on the plate.


  6. After you have finished eating, put the fork and knife on an angle on the plate ﹛with the handles in the "four o’clock position" and the knife -with the blade pointing inwards - pointed to the “10 o'clock position”﹜or place them together in the middle of the plate.

  餐毕后,把刀叉依一定角度放在餐盘上(手把置于”4点钟方向”,餐刀刀锋朝內指向 “10点钟方向”),或是把餐具一起放在餐盘中央。

  7. With regard to using a soup spoon, the proper way is to dip the spoon away from your body as you put it into the soup (that also makes it less likely you will spill some of the liquid onto yourself).


  8. If you are totally unfamiliar with the proper way to hold a fork, the method is to hold it with the handle in your palm, and with your thumb underneath the stem and the forefinger on top.






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